
Seabird she flies ....

Contents Notta Lotta Love Easy Rider Millennium Madness White Out Chapter 1 Notta Lotta Love Jeremy sat atop Bobbara, taking in the 222 degree view from 300 metres above the rolling, tree covered hills and ploughed fields which peeled off to the horizon. Above him the big sky was brilliantly blue with endlessly intriguing formations of white, fluffy clouds floating aimlessly on high. A cigar, a car, a coral tree and cat - he saw them all, white and puffy. A slight breeze blew in from the south, coolish as usual, coming off the distant Snowy Mountains. His mind was clear, free, floating like the clouds, full of nothing and of everything. Time was standing still, and the past surrounded him, like a bubble. He sat there, on the smooth, weathered granite, letting thoughts come and go; waves on the shore, washing over him. There was her, and them, and all the others. He wondered what it all meant, if anything; the melancholia, the faith in the future, the fact of her...

Dada in Australia

  | Dada in Australia | First International Dada Fair, Berlin 1920 | Dada?!@#$% Dada - A new cult. Abolish everything! ( The Age , Melbourne, 1920) Dada is a rebellious, playful state of mind (Tristan Tzara 1922). DOWN/unda The death on 22 April 2023 of Australian comedian Barry Humphries (1934-2023) brought to a close an episode in antipodean history during which the early twentieth century avant-garde art and anarchic social movement Dada found local expression in the post-World War II period, through art, comedic performance and multi-faceted characterizations, most notably in the form of Humphries' Melbourne-based stunts and practical jokes, culminating in the creation of alter  egos Dame Edna Everidge and Sir Les Paterson. The first element of Humphries' career as a performer on the public stage was celebrated during 1993 by the National Gallery of Australia's smallish side exhibition Big - Barry Humphries: Dada Artist , a supplement to the blockbuste...